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June 2020

Sea Turtle Activity, June 16 - June 22, 2020

Sea Turtle Activity, June 16 - June 22, 2020

Turtle Season began May 1st. Please be sure that your balcony lights are off prior to 9:00p.m. and all interior lights are off or shaded. Please help keep our beaches dark!

Agenda 06.30.2020

Jun 22, 2020

CAMMI Board of Directors
Meeting Notice & Agenda
June 30, 2020
Time: 4:30ppm
Location: Telephonic, check email for call in number.

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call/Determination of Quorum
3. Approval of June 19, 2020 meeting mins
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Associate/Manager Applications
6. Committee Reports
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Next Meeting / Calendar Events
10. Adjourn

Agenda 06.19.2020

Jun 22, 2020

CAMMI Board of Directors
Meeting Notice & Agenda
June 19, 2020
Time: 4:30ppm
Location: Telephonic, see e-mail notice for call in.

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call/Determination of Quorum
3. Proof of Notice
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business
      • Announcement of 3 new directors
6. Adjourn

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Current BOD

  • President, Molly Hennings
  • Vice President, Kevin Olszak
  • Secretary, Al Diaz
  • Treasurer, Arizona Keegan
  • Director, Derek Bebee
  • Director, Ali Pool
  • Director, Jon White

Message from President

Since 1995, the Community Association Managers of Marco Island has proudly served its community and members. Although many changes over the years have influenced the way in which our business is conducted, members taking the opportunity to help and learn from one another has not. Both Managers and Associates alike work diligently to service our community associations. Factors such as time constraints, workforce availability and severe weather challenge us all. Overcoming these obstacles with education, technological advances, quality mentoring and networking are the shining keys to our success.

We are fortunate to have a few of CAMMI’s original Board members serving as Board members today. These Board members are true assets and will help mold and structure the future of CAMMI, with a goal to refocus the organization during an exciting rebranding that will catapult our organization into the next generation! This rebranding of CAMMI has a youthful insight but will always stay true to its original design.

Everyone’s input and participation are an essential part of this organization. As such, CAMMI has always received incredible support from our Associate Members, so Manager participation is one of our main goals in the next coming year. Your current Board of Directors will be working hard to continue to provide enjoyable and rewarding Networking and Continuing Education opportunities for all our members.

I am honored to serve as President of this fine group filled with so many professional and talented members. Please feel free to contact me or any of our board members with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Molly Hennings, President

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